Two Tips from a Matrimonial Practice that You Can Apply to Your Practice

This is the first in an occasional series of TWO TIPS from attorneys with specific practice areas. Their sage advice applies to that particular arena, and is very likely relevant to your practice as well. It’s always helpful to be reminded to follow the basics.

Let’s begin with attorneys who have a family law, matrimonial law, mediation or divorce practice. Each was asked to impart wisdom to a new associate who has joined their firm after practicing in a different field of law.

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The Future of the Remote Law Firm

The pandemic is a modern tragedy that has permanently changed many aspects of our lives, and our businesses are no exception to this change. Resiliently, businesses pivoted to the online work environment to continue operations while maintaining vigilance of the health and safety of their team members and clients. Today, remote working or a hybrid environment largely prevails.

The online work environment comes with a unique set of challenges. To leverage its full value, we must stay focused on developing tools and best practices that enable our teams to maximize output; optimize efficiencies; respect and nourish human capital; and protect against burnout. A guide that has created immeasurable value for our firm is ACT, an acronym that highlights focus areas for leaders and employees alike. Consulting this guide, while managing, supporting and encouraging your team’s endeavors, ensures that everyone will always have opportunity to develop as a community, while maintaining a focus on growth and advancement.

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Plan Ahead: WOL Members Offer Tips for a Relaxing Vacation

It’s summer and either you’ve taken vacation or plan to take time off.

Review how your colleagues of Women Owned Law manage their time, their practice and their personal lives to have a truly relaxing vacation. Which tips will you follow the next time you leave the office?

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Focus on the Reader in Your Out of Office Email Reply

By: Janet L Falk, Ph.D

Your long-awaited summer vacation is around the corner. Time to compose your Out of Office (OOO) automated email reply.

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How Are You Investing in Business-Building Relationships?

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment” – Jim Rohn, international business management expert

Some things appear to be so simple that we assume (dangerously) that everyone gets it.

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Five Tips to Surmount a Language Barrier

Let’s say you’re involved in cross-border litigation with an entity in Denmark and the case will be tried in U.S. federal court;  all the trial exhibits and discovery documents must be translated from Danish into English. Perhaps you represent a U.S. manufacturer whose workforce is primarily Spanish-speaking; you advise your client a best practice is to translate their handbook, NDA and onboarding forms into Spanish. Maybe you file a lawsuit on behalf of your client; when the defendant speaks Korean and is not English-proficient, the summons and related paperwork must be translated for them. You may need to depose a witness who doesn’t feel comfortable being questioned in English. Are you handling the estate of someone who owned properties in the United States and Venezuela? You’d better learn about the Venezuelan proceedings. Whatever the circumstance, you face a language barrier between you and whatever you need to accomplish for your case.

Here are three considerations when you require translation or interpretation services:

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Be a Video Rock Star and Attract Great Clients

When I started my solo disability law practice, I got bogged down answering the same basic questions from potential clients over and over again. 

I needed to screen potential clients without myself or my staff speaking with every caller, only to find that they did not meet the basic requirements for a case that we would accept. 

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Women Owned Law Remembers Charlotte E. Ray

by Mandy Rosenblum | Law Office of Mandy C Rosenblum, LLC

Female entrepreneurship in the law is the lifeblood of Women Owned Law. We would not exist but for the efforts of the many brave women who fought their way into the profession. For Women’s History Month, we encourage you to recognize the courageousness and drive of Charlotte E. Ray.

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WOL Names New President and Officers



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How Five Daily Minutes on LinkedIn May Lead to New Business, Referrals and Stronger Relationships

by Beth Granger | Granger Granger Consulting

LinkedIn provides all sorts of information, but rarely tells users what to do with what they learn from it. Some people limit their time on LinkedIn, when they could engage more strategically.

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15 Tech, Time and Office Management Tips for 2022

The New Year is upon us and you’re eager to dive in and make changes in your practice, your finances and managing your time.

Consider some of these tips gleaned from your Women Owned Law colleagues as you charge into 2022.

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Greet the Season with a Holiday Greeting e-Card

by Janet Falk, Ph.D. | Falk Communications and Research

If you haven’t already sent your holiday greeting card, do not panic.

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The Fork in the Road – Two Paths for Small Law Firms to Grow

by Jennifer Gillman | Gillman Strategic Group

Small law firm owners and solo practitioners are certainly aware of the phrase, chief cook and bottle washer. Not only are they aware of it, but they also live it every day. As a business owner and practicing lawyer, she must handle everything from the most important tasks to the smallest, most menial tasks. One minute, the lawyer is closing an important deal or arguing a case; the next moment she is ordering office supplies and paying the phone bill. With all these responsibilities, how can she also financially grow her firm? As a legal recruiter, I have seen two paths: merge or hire.

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Is your law firm leveraging online reviews? If not, you could be missing-out on potential leads

by Ashley Robinson |

Reviews are considered by many as one of (if not THE) most important marketing tools for lawyers. Online reviews have become part of conducting business. With the birth of Yelp! in 2004, reviews are now increasingly important for the customer experience.

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7 Things About Sales They Didn’t Teach You in Law School

 By Jessica Shpall Rosen | Greenwald Doherty

To build and maintain your law practice, you need to be effective at sales.

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From 10 Minutes to Five Figures

by Ivy Slater | Slater Success Coaching

Efficiency equals dollars. This is especially true in the legal field when certain hours of your day are spent on billable tasks and others are spent on all the other stuff. And you know that other stuff can pile up and completely take over on any given day.

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Starting a Solo Law Practice

by Lydia S. Terrill, Esquire | Terrill Family Law LLC

On April 1, 2021, I launched my solo family law practice. I had left my position as an associate attorney at a law firm several months earlier; a comfortable position that allowed me a lot of flexibility to both work and raise a family. However, even with this flexibility, the demands of parenting two small children during a pandemic, while also trying to be an effective and productive associate attorney, became too much.

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The Value of Volunteerism

by Janet Falk, Ph.D. | Falk Communications and Research

You have to be in it to win it. That slogan about the lottery applies to volunteerism as well. The more active you are as a member of Women Owned Law, the more you will benefit.

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WOL Members Write Report on Effect of COVID-19 on the Legal Profession

by Roberta D. Liebenberg | Fine Kaplan & Black

On April 26, 2021, the American Bar Association released a groundbreaking report concerning the profound effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the legal profession and setting forth suggested best practices for legal employers and individual lawyers as we emerge from the pandemic and confront the many significant changes that have occurred in the practice of law over the past year.  The report, “Practicing Law in the Pandemic and Moving Forward,” was written by Roberta “Bobbi” Liebenberg and Stephanie Scharf, who are principals of The Red Bee Group and former Chairs of the American Bar Association’s Commission on Women in the Profession. The report is based on a survey of more than 4,200 ABA members, one of the largest ever by the Association, that was conducted in the Fall of 2020. Among the key findings:

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WOL 2021 Symposium - An Attendees Perspective

By Jessica M. Stauring & Denisse Garcia | ND Galli Law LLC

On March 18, 2021 Women Owned Law hosted its second annual Symposium Pivoting Forward Together: Women Entrepreneurs at the Cutting Edge of Law. The Symposium was held over a virtual platform which provided the opportunity to attend panel discussions, “fireside” chats, and an interactive speed-networking session. Denisse, an attorney with ND Galli Law, and Jessica, a co-op student with ND Galli Law, attended the Symposium and highlighted their experiences below!

The Symposium kicked off with a discussion on burnout and resilience with Dr. Paula Davis, Roberta Liebenberg, and Stephanie Scharf. The panelists discussed burnout within the legal profession and provided solutions for addressing the systemic problem that often has a greater effect on women, and particularly women of color. Importantly, Dr. Davis highlighted how burnout is more complex than mere exhaustion and provided attendees with three signs to look for to recognize the difference between stress and burnout: chronic physical and emotional exhaustion, chronic cynicism, and inefficacy or lost impact. As a third-year law student, Jessica found this advice especially helpful to keep in mind as she enters the legal profession. The feelings associated with burnout are often very isolating, so the ability to attend an event like the Symposium where successful women discuss those feelings so openly to provide concrete solutions for moving forward was inspiring. Roberta and Stephanie noted that the failure to address burnout by employers will have long-term negative effects on the type of individuals the profession attracts. Course correcting burnout is necessary for employers to ensure that they are creating diverse teams and making the legal profession accessible to all.

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