Women Owned Law Announces Launch of National Organization and Brand
Association connects and advances women entrepreneurs in the law across the U.S.
PHILADELPHIA May 1, 2017– Women Owned Law, a national organization devoted exclusively to women legal entrepreneurs, has formally launched and has inaugurated its new brand.
“I am proud and pleased that in just a few short months, Women Owned Law has grown from a germ of an idea into a vibrant and growing organization that will support women who are leading the way as entrepreneurs in the legal community,” said Nicole Galli, founder and President of Women Owned Law and owner of the Law Offices of N.D. Galli LLC in Philadelphia. “We now have a hard-working Board of Directors and team of volunteers, an impressive Advisory Board, and a tremendous amount of energy and excitement among our sponsors and members.”
Women Owned Law was conceived as a national organization for women owned law and legal service firms to provide a forum for networking opportunities, to increase visibility and media coverage of women entrepreneurs in the law, to help interested firms grow into larger organizations with significant influence in the legal industry, and to provide an “on ramp” for women considering their own legal ventures.
“There are groups out there for women attorneys and groups for women business owners. It is exciting to finally have an organization that speaks to the unique issues of women entrepreneurs in the legal sector. Given the ethical restrictions and regulatory challenges that legal entrepreneurs face, and the lack of any organized forum for women in this space until now, it is really exciting to finally have a place for these conversations to happen,” said Carolyn Elefant, a member of the Board and owner of the Law Offices of Carolyn Elefant in Washington DC, who also writes the MyShingle.com blog.
Women Owned Law has also launched its new brand, including a new logo that speaks to the organization’s goals, according to Galli.
“The Women Owned Law brand is versatile, original and modern, much like the organization’s members. The balance in the colors, letters and words and the stylized triple bars of our new logo symbolize equity, parity and influence, which are the goals we seek for women within the legal profession,” said Galli.
Women Owned Law will also seek to address the dearth of data regarding women owned legal services firms, which the organization believes is due in part to the focus by both the media and the legal industry on the struggles of women to achieve parity in a small number of bigger, traditional law firms known as “BigLaw.” Women Owned Law will launch an initiative to collect demographic data regarding women owned legal practices, with the goal of becoming a resource for the legal industry, the academic community, and the media.
From its beginnings at a “soft launch” party hosted by eight women in Philadelphia in October 2016, Women Owned Law has attracted interest from more than 350 firms and individuals across the nation including in Pennsylvania, New York, Washington, D.C., Massachusetts, Illinois, Texas, Georgia, Florida, Indiana, California and elsewhere, and has secured over 50 Founders Circle members. Women Owned Law launched this spring in New York City and Washington, D.C., and is actively planning launches in Boston, Texas, the Midwest and the West Coast later this year. A monthly virtual Speaker Series will begin in May and additional national programming, as well as regional programming in Philadelphia, New York and Washington, D.C., is being planned. For more information, see womenownedlaw.org.
For additional information, please contact Gabrielle Sellei (267.577.0887 or [email protected]).
Women Owned Law is a national networking group for women owned law and legal services firms. The mission of Women Owned Law is to provide opportunities for women legal entrepreneurs to come together, support each other and help our businesses prosper.